Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Second week

Second week of self eating went on much as the first one. We are still in the playing with food stage and then some pieces end up being eaten. However, we see every day progress with handling of the food. Couple of days Tisa went through the chopping of the food into small pieces. She will take a piece of apple and then chop it into small pieces with the mouth and spit it out. When eating an apple she ends up with perfect sliced pieces of apple infront of her, all of the same size.

Some of the food she does not like as; potato, carrot and rice. I have tried to give it in varies methods, as putting rice on the bread, on the spoon or just putting it infront of her, but she ends up spitting it out very fast.

Her favorit vegetables are when made in the oven. We just slice into finger shape various vegetables as; potato, carrot, onion, and zuccine. She eat the whole zuccine piece and even some potato and carrot. This way of preparing the food is nicer for her then as we usually do it on the vapor because it ends up much more crispy on the outside and more soft in the inside, with more juice.

Tisas father tried also to feed her with mush potatoes, but she firmly refused. She does not want us to feed her at all, she took fast the spoon from his hands and putted it in the mouth her self. She has already got use to be in control of her food, and trying to take it from her does not seem possible.

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