Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prepare or not prepare for the mess?

We are very curious to see what the baby will do with the food when we start letting her feed herself. I am looking forward to see her reactions, faces and expressions, food launching, mess! Yes, the mess. Some say that babies are very very very messy eaters. We have read and been advised to buy a plastic cover dress, specialy designed spoons, the no-spill glass with handles, plastic towel to put on the floor, attachable plastic plates, special chairs with big flat space in front, and so on. I would like to wait until she starts eating, just to see how it will go, than we will adjust and buy the necessary accessories that we really think we need. I have this empirical approach, Azra is more let's have the stuff that we already think for sure we will need (like plastic dress cover or a glass with handles). Eventualy we decided to wait for the big day and see how it will work out.

We only bought a baby tablechair, a bébéconfort model for 40€. We ended up not being very satisfied with the design when we looked at it at home. I think it is mainly designed for travel or occasional visits to the restaurant. It is supposed to be hand washed, which I think will not fit very well with baby feeding herself with a handful of spaghetti, but, well, at least it did not cost much. In sense of brands, this is the only exception, we have only scandinavian brands at home :) Of course  initially we were about to buy the Stokke Tripp Trapp, which is way more well designed (our weak point), but also much more expensive, so as we look at this as at an experiment, we decided to start light, to see how it will develop.

So, the table is arranged in a way to enable the baby to sit with us, not facing us, but taking her own side of the table equaly with us. The standalone chairs seem designed for adults feeding babies situation, in a way that you can place the chair anywhere you can, face the baby and feed her with the spoon. For self feeding we think that the tablechair would fit best, so we can have our meal and pass some of that meal to the new arrival.

For the moment we let Tisa sit with us on every meal, just giving her a toy to play with. She looks very happy and comfortable in the chair watching us eat our meal while she chews on her toy. Seems like she has enough space to move and to turn around.
Planning the first meal, we were thinking to give her a piece of broccoli, a carrot, a potatoe and some fruit, like apple or pear. We will give her fruit apart of the meals, like a snack between meals, just as we are eating it.

Set some cameras, ready, steady, food!

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